Sunday, December 11, 2011

Hold Mummy's hand, please.

Finally, Mummy get to see you after 1 week again! This time at the hospital.

You are very friendly to the nurses. Always able to strike a conversation with them.

Now you are really like a broken tape recorder -- talking non-stop. But with that cute voice, who hates that?

I like the way you hold my hand while I walk slowly. You do not mind not running like you usually do, but you just want to hold my hand because you know I walk slowly. You know I am sick. Such is the maturity of a 2 year old girl, with loads of innocence.

Will you do that when I am old and frail too? By that time you would have grown up and have you own social circle and family. Will you care for Mummy like how you did when you were 2 years old? Will you hold my hand and walk with me slowly, again?

You never fail to bring hope to my life. Whenever I see you I know who and why and what I am fighting for.

For you.

1 comment:

  1. Hello ym... I'm Lorraine sim's friend, baojiao..
    Jus wanna tell u I'm very touched by your courage and strength..
    Know that this must have been a difficult period for u..
    Hope that you will continue to be very strong and may you overcome all the challenges! Jiayou!! 加油!
