Tuesday, December 27, 2011

X'mas and Birthday Celebrations - MBS

Because Mummy has to be hospitalised during your birthday, Mummy decided to book a room at MBS to have an early Birthday cum X'mas celebrations for you!

You received lotsa presents from our friends and our relatives. What a blessed kid you are :)

23 Dec 2011:
Checked in at 3pm. We blew a whole cot of balloons so that you can play with the balloons. And also prepared a few bottles of bubbles so that you can play till your heart's fill!

Ok pictures speak louder than words. Like to capture you on photos so that memories will not fade off so fast :)

When your cousin (Ryan) came, you "hog" to him by holding his hand and not letting go. Think you are overly friendly!

When the visitors are gone at 12midnight then you are willing to sleep!

Blow the balloons!
24 Dec 2011:
Wow.. Today all the Aunties and Uncles (Daddy and Mummy friends) came for a mini gathering and also to celebrate your birthday.

You are really a little sociable kid. Like to go around talking to people of all ages. Especially when there are kids around, you will tend to be more initiative. Often scare the little kid abit :)

Daddy's Girl
Family Photo
Uncle Leon entertaining you

Baby Ding Kang at 1.5 months old. Looks so much bigger than you!
My loves.
25 Dec 2011:
It's Xmas and time for checkout! Love the hotel stay and really wish it could be longer where  you can lie beside Mummy and spend time together. I really do not mind pampering you by letting you play what you want. You want bubbles or playing in the tub, as long as you are happy.

Haven't been able to let you swim in the infinity pool because it has been raining. So we make-shift with the bathtub and let you swim in there. You are happy nonetheless :)

Just keep swimming!

Your new toy -- Mickey Mouse a.k.a. "Kiker Mao"
X'mas tree at MBS lobby
Had a fun 3 days 2 nights stay. Most importantly is to spend quality time together. And Daddy was sick during the last day of the stay. :(

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