Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Mummy drove you alone

Mummy drove you out alone to 外婆 house because Daddy is sick and has to sleep.

So off we go to 外婆 house and this is the first time I drove since 29 Oct 2011 because of Mummy's sickness. Nevertheless, we reached safely.

You even took a nap at 外婆 house beside me. Normally we have to push you in your stroller for you to take your nap but surprisingly you were able to nap just by lying beside me.

Wanted to make you stay overnight with Mummy but your grandparents were so worried that they had to take a train down from Tampines to Toa Payoh just to fetch you.

Took some pictures when we were waiting for them at Toa Payoh MRT.

Risking my back to carry you.

I bend, you bend lower.

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