Monday, October 25, 2010

Vera plays at a pool of balls

Gonna miss your gummy smile

Your first tooth has officially arrived! :)

The front tooth is emerging.. (the one on the right from my view)

Gonna miss your GUMMY smile!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Milestones at 9 months 3 weeks

Now that you are reaching 10 months old, indeed your habits have changed and you have had some achievements too (they call it the milestones). You have a mind of your own, your likes and dislikes.

1) You do not like to be in the walker (most babies do) or the bumbo seat. You don't like to even SIT!

2) You very much prefer to crawl. You pull to stand at any furniture your hands land on.

3) When you do not get wat you want, or we take away your things, you will have a high shriek "EEERRR". I don't know who spoilt you!

4) You like to nap in the "yaolan". As much as I try not to let you sleep in yaolan for fear we cannot bring you overseas or go shopping, you still need your nap. And only your naptime, then we get to rest. Muahaha.. But nighttime is still in your cot.

5) When placed on our bed, you like to crawl to the bedhead, pull to stand and ransack the things above. Your favourite is the camera cable in plastic bag. Other things that entertain you is your toy mobile hp and a wedding invitation card.

6) You do not like morning bathtimes, you will kick and kick, cry and cry. But when comes to evening bathtimes, you will love the water and cry when carried out *scratch head*

7) When we are at the door and never bring you out, you will cry!

8) When you are at the door, you will not want whoever inside the house to carry you.

9) You are talkative at home, but VERY quiet outside. Strangers thought you are a quiet little baby (Yeah right!)

10) You love your pink bear. And will hug it to sleep.

11) You prefer meat porridge to fish porridge. You will cry for more meat porridge but not when it is fish porridge.

12) You gobble biscuits in a jiff! (you still have no teeth) even before our food arrives.

13) Your favourite fruit is banana. You can almost eat 3/4, so we have to stop you from over eating.

14) The only milk powder that suits your taste is Friso. And that is the one of the most expensive in the market.

15) You can hold your bottle and look here and there when having your milk.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Sick Day

Vera is down with a high fever, runny nose and cough on 1 Oct 2010. It has been 4 days and fever has subsided but the cough still persists with phlegm.

She has lost alot of weight and all the baby fats are disappearing (7kg now, down from 9kg). Hope she can recover fast and be the healthy baby again!

Miss her smiles