Saturday, January 30, 2010

Car Seat

Special thanks to Dear Hubby's colleagues who contributed to this pretty flowery car seat!

Vera first time in car seat!

 Vera second time in her car seat sleeping.

She may look very grumpy in the above photos but she really likes her comfy car seat.

1 month old

Today Vera is officially 1 month old! Hoorayy!!! (How did i even survive this one month?)

I have to get used to bathing her and changing diapers. Most importantly is I have succeeded in breastfeeding! Well, I struggled but i pulled through! Now we are enjoying the benefits of breastfeeding.

For her: a better health as breastmilk is the best food for babies. No constipation, no allergies and no heatiness.

For me: Uterus contract to usual shape faster, slim down faster, reduce risk of ovarian cancer and breast cancer.

 Cute baby just out of shower

Monday, January 25, 2010

Baby Shower

Today is 24th January 2010. Vera's first month birthday celebration is here..

Our humble abode were filled with lotsa relatives and friends. Thank them for their attendance and blessings!

However did not take any pictures as I was rather busy taking care of Vera :)

Vera awaiting for her guests to arrive

Waiting for her presents to arrive :)

 Daddy trying to burp burp baby Vera after her milk

I would say that confinement is worst than anything else! Worst than the pain of labour, worst than the inconvenience of pregnancy! Confinement is smelly, eat heaty food, getting used to the baby and CANNOT BATHE!

But I heck la. I bathed on the 5th day because I can't tahan the OILY HAIR ! BLEAH

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

One week old. First checkup

Vera is one week old today and she is due for her first checkup!

Measuring 3.5kg she has grown a fair bit from 2.375kg :)

Mummy's gem sleeping soundly

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Day 1 at home

Actually wanted to post Day 1, 2, 3 in hospital. But decided not to be so lor soh...

So let's advance to Day 1 at home.

Vera went home on 1 Jan 2010 (YES! I counted down alone in the hospital.! Ok there is a snoring neighbour and a TV, Iphone and Vera..But still..... lonely)

Vera on her small cot.
The bed is a bit empty because it was done in a haste as she came out earlier than expected.

Finally done up her bed. 
See her dad in the background trying to read leaflets from TMC.

Her bedtime bear for measurement of length.