Saturday, March 10, 2012


After one week of school, you did nap in school and always follow teacher Lily around helping her to do things etc.

But you became moody and emotional. Not the usual chatty self at home.

Is it because you are angry with us for leaving you in school?

Mummy feels so sad that you became so sad. Keep asking myself did I do wrong in sending you to childcare?

Really hope you can adapt and like school more :(

But the teachers always gave me very good feedback that you only cried a while and when we left you will become chatty again. Then why at home you became so withdrawn?

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Go to school!

Finally, you are going to school! So exciting and a major milestone for you. Enrolled you in this full day childcare at Elfa (Opposite our house). For the first week, intending to let you attend half a day first to get used to the environment and routine.

Surprisingly, for the first three days, you did not cry too much and adapting quite well. First day after school, you zonked out like there was too much stimulation. The moment you saw me, your tears dropped. But the teacher said you only cried a while.

Second day of school, I left once the teacher brought you in. And again, you saw me and you cried again, asking for Daddy.

Overall, I think you adapt quite well. You love school but just not used to us not with you.

Today is your third day of school and you cried the moment you stepped into the classroom and tried to flee out but was caught by the teacher. The moment the teacher carried you, we faster leave.

But before that you actually told me you wana go school! :)

I hope you will learn more things in school.