Saturday, December 3, 2011

Vera loves blueberries!

Yay! Today is visit day at grandmother's house. :)

I miss you so much.

Went to buy some blueberries for you to eat. So you can have some antioxidant fruits.

You really love blueberries and kiwis. I think you like fruits in general. You must have hated rice! hahaha..

Blueberries is very good. So whenever I meet you over the weekend, I will try to get some blueberries for you to eat. Antioxidant fruit and it is so easy for you to self feed. Pop it in your mouth and chew chew chew.

Watching TV with Daddy
Playing with PhotoBooth on my Macbook
Brought you out to KiddyPalace and you were shopping for shoes! Refused to leave the shoes area. Reckoned you will be those crazy shoe lovers when you grow up. Daddy is having a headache now!

And when I was about to leave you in the car, you cried. You said you do not want me to leave. I still left heartlessly so that you can stop crying faster :(

I miss you too baby.

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